Trusted Institutional Staking

Trusted Institutional Staking

Trusted Institutional Staking

Backed by 100% slashing insurance guarantee, Blockdaemon staking is the choice for major financial institutions. We have helped leading crypto and TradFi companies deploy more than $1 billion worth of staking infrastructure to date. Talk to one of our staking specialists to learn how we can help you maximize your staking business.

Backed by 100% slashing insurance guarantee, Blockdaemon staking is the choice for major financial institutions. We have helped leading crypto and TradFi companies deploy more than $1 billion worth of staking infrastructure to date. Talk to one of our staking specialists to learn how we can help you maximize your staking business.

Check mark inside a hexagon shape
Unparalleled Security & Compliance
Unparalleled Security & Compliance
Check mark inside a hexagon shape
Seamless Integration & Scalability
Seamless Integration & Scalability
Check mark inside a hexagon shape
Dedicated Customer Support
Dedicated Customer Support

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Why Choose Blockdaemon?

A check inside a shield to show compliance

Blockdaemon's crypto infrastructure is engineered for maximum security.

  • Our bare metal nodes use only the best data centers and are ISO 27001 certified.

  • Your nodes are safe, with 50+ terabit DDoS protection - this ensures bad actors can’t take your nodes offline or impact your rewards.

  • Our cloud nodes are decentralized across 10 top-tier hosting partners with institutional-grade security, including Google, Amazon and IBM.

Two overlapping clouds

Our scalable and redundant infrastructure operates with 99.9% uptime.

  • Our nodes are fully managed by our expert team of engineers, from the software stack all the way down to the cloud instances and bare metal hardware

  • We manage all node updates, so you don’t have to.

  • You enjoy the best possible blockchain service, led by our full-time team of infrastructure experts.

A person icon with a check mark

Blockdaemon is ISO 27001 certified, meeting the highest compliance standards.

  • Rigorous policies are ensured by our Chief Compliance Officer & dedicated team

  • We assess on-chain behavioral indicators and perform risk scoring

  • Blockdaemon’s Comprehensive Compliance Program includes risk based KYC diligence, sanctions screening and Anti-Money Laundering monitoring