Blockdaemon Blog

Blockdaemon Partners with Narval; Integrating Builder Vault™ Technology

Jul 25, 2024
Announcing Blockdaemon's partnership with Narval, integrating Builder Vault™ to improve internal operations.

Blockdaemon has partnered with Narval to provide industry-leading Builder Vault™ technology for attestations in the company’s policy engine, improving its internal operations. 

With this integration, Blockdaemon supports Narval’s vision of a modular wallet stack combining best-of-breed solutions at every layer. 

The Need for Secure Crypto Access Management

Traditional wallet technology tightly coupled key generation, storage, and use with access management for crypto assets. 

This monolithic approach can often lead to fragmented implementations and lack of unified control access across systems for developers. Furthermore, as teams, assets under management, and system providers grow, so too does the operational overhead of managing access to multiple crypto accounts. In-house developed key management infrastructure often doesn’t meet the requirements of financial institutions, requiring costly maintenance and engineering effort. 

Narval is an open-source web3 access management system offering a policy engine decoupled from a single key manager or wallet provider, with the ability to model any authorization scenario. Narval’s technology operates on any cloud or on-prem environment, and is interoperable with various key and wallet tech stacks. Narval’s access management system grants access between parties and systems. 

How Narval Leverages Blockdaemon Builder Vault™

Narval has licensed Blockdaemon Builder Vault™, a tech stack which includes a Threshold Security Module or TSM, a robust configuration of MPC nodes, along with cryptographic MPC protocols, and optional administration and audit-log services.

Threshold Cryptography is a method that enables secure key management by locally generating, storing, and using distributed key shares among different parties.

In this system, a certain threshold number of parties must collaborate to execute a cryptographic operation, thus providing an additional layer of security. This way, even if some of the parties' shares are compromised, the secret key remains secure unless the threshold is breached.

Multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to collaboratively compute a function on their private inputs while keeping these inputs secret from one another. This is enabled through the distributed generation, storage, and use of cryptographic keys across multiple MPC nodes. Nodes can be hosted on virtually any type of machine, from cloud containers, to virtual machines, to mobile devices.

Narval has leveraged Blockdaemon’s technology to deploy a cluster of MPC nodes to eliminate single points of trust. 

Each node only holds a key share, which doesn’t reveal any information about the full key. Narval’s system performs threshold signing, where a certain threshold of nodes must collaborate to sign a cryptographic operation. By integrating Blockdaemon’s MPC technology, Narval enables secure key management without revealing the original secret key to any single party, with flexible evaluation request co-signing capabilities. 

According to Narval CEO Greg Jessner, "Blockdaemon provides unmatched flexibility and control. Leveraging their raw MPC technology as a building block allowed us to accelerate our go-to-market strategy with high-performance, audited, and battle-tested algorithms."

With this integration, Narval supports the only policy engine with cryptographic security from the end-user to the decision enforcement point. 

See Narval's post Announcing the integration of Blockdaemon & Narval for more details.


Blockdaemon is excited to integrate with Narval, supporting their vision of a modular wallet stack combining best-of-breed solutions at every layer. 

To enquire about leveraging Blockdaemon’s MPC technology, or other Blockdaemon supported infrastructure, book your tailored evaluation today by filling out the form below. 


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