Blockdaemon Blog

Builder Vault Secure MPC Key Management on AWS Marketplace

Apr 9, 2024
Blockdaemon Builder Vault is now available on AWS Marketplace, streamlining the deployment of secure MPC key management technology.

Blockdaemon Builder Vault is now available on AWS Marketplace, streamlining the deployment of secure MPC key management technology.

Application developers in need of secure key management or multiparty control can navigate to AWS Marketplace, choose their desired package, and select a suitable subscription and hosting model.

Their dedicated MPC nodes deploy automatically in AWS Nitro, ensuring a quick and automated setup.

The AWS Marketplace Builder Vault offering is available with a Threshold Security Module (TSM) Package consisting of: 

  • Two MPC server nodes supporting a 2 of 2 threshold model.
  • The option to add additional server nodes for other m of n threshold models.
  • Automated deployment and hosting in AWS Nitro with a choice of CloudFormation templates.
  • Support for up to 75,000 keys.
  • Server SDKs to connect with and manage each-cloud hosted MPC node.
  • Comprehensive user documentation.
  • A streamlined Getting Started Guide.

Mobile Endpoint SDKs for (Android and iOS) can be added to enable node hosting on mobile devices via a separate licensing agreement by contacting Blockdaemon directly.

This AWS Marketplace offering ensures that application developers have the necessary tools for robust key management at their fingertips.

Developers can subscribe to additional AWS-hosted nodes, customizing their setup to any multiparty configuration. 

Builder Vault licenses on AWS Marketplace come with flexible hourly and annual terms, catering to self-service innovators ready to scale. Blockdaemon offers technical consultation and engineering support services for direct contracting.

For larger scale ventures or those needing application-tailored solutions, Blockdaemon directly licenses Builder Vault. These agreements include extensive technical consulting, support services, and options for extended contracts.

For details on secure MPC key management with Builder Vault on AWS Marketplace, click here.

To explore key features, functions, and benefits, visit the Blockdaemon Builder Vault page.


Builder Vault is now on AWS!

Builder Vault is now on AWS!

Contact us today to learn more about Builder Vault on AWS.

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